Standard Syno Adapters
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Syno Adapters
The process of constructing an NGS library involves end-repairing fragmented DNA and ligating it to sequence-specific adapters. These adapters are then amplified to meet the read requirements for sequencing on high-throughput platforms. Using high-quality adapters is crucial as they facilitate the ligation process and improve the efficiency of library construction.

Synbio Technologies offers high-quality adapter products specifically designed to meet the needs of high-throughput sequencing library construction for various applications. The prepared libraries can be used on most commerical sequencing platforms such as HiSeq, MiSeq, MiniSeq, NovaSeq, and more.
  • Provide a Variety of Dual- or Single- Index Labels
  • Efficient Adapter Attachment Rate to Ensure Stability
  • Efficient Adapter Attachment Rate to Ensure Stability
  • Low Base Error Rate
  • >90% Purification Efficiency
  • High Flexibility
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    9 Deer Park Dr., Suite J-25
    Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
  • Tel: +1 732-230-3003
  • Fax: +1 609-228-5911
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