DNA Data Storage
High Storage Density, Strong Resistance, Low Maintenance
Home > DNA Data Storage
DNA Data Storage
DNA storage technology is a groundbreaking advancement with significant future potential. It uses the four DNA bases—adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T), and cytosine (C)—arranged in specific sequences to encode information. This technology enables the storage of text, images, audio, and video using artificially synthesized DNA as the medium, which can then be read back in full.

Synbio Technologies has introduced the world’s first DNA solution designed to protect our customers' proprietary information within DNA sequences. We use our patented DNA Studio to accurately synthesize a custom sequence that serves as an exclusive DNA “security code.” This unique security code can be inserted into any part of the DNA using our advanced synthesis platforms, allowing the security information to be stored as a biological “water marker”.
  • High Storage Density
    1 mg DNA can store 2 PB data, equivalent to 3 million pieces CDs
  • Strong Resistance
    It can be preserved naturally for over a thousand years
  • Low Maintenance
    No need to maintain constantly
  • Environmental Protection
    Carbon source storage material benefits the "Green Initiative"
  • Life Medium
    Save into an organism, achieving information's "soft storage"
  • Improvement of DNA Synthesis Technology
Service Details

Price and Turnaround Time

Please contact quote@synbio-tech.com for specific price, turnaround time and technique related issues.


• We provide the requested DNA sequence at any position in the vector as a "security code".

• With the converting code and synthesis platforms, cryptographic sequences can be synthesized into DNA sequences.

• The "security code" can be constructed to any vector.

• The interpretation process can be easily completed through sequencing and analysis.

Design scheme
Synthesis chip/DNA
Data analysis report
Get in Touch with Us
Related Services
  • Address:
    9 Deer Park Dr., Suite J-25
    Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
  • Tel: +1 732-230-3003
  • Fax: +1 609-228-5911
  • Inquiries: quote@synbio-tech.com

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